Why Expat Life Coaching is Important

Moving to a new country, is like starting a new chapter of your life: And that will require some re-writing of your story.

An international relocation will challenge you to

-        acquire new skills and resources

-        cope with the ups and downs that go hand in hand with your adjustment process in a different setting, culture and language

-        redefine yourself in a different context, sometimes losing sight of ‘who you are’

-        set new goals, evaluate new possibilities

-        make new friends and build a network (or suffer from the lack thereof)

If your expat or diplomatic journey is initiated by your partner’s career, a number of additional challenges can arise, such as

-        A shift in the dynamic between you and your spouse

-        A sense of “sacrifice”, that can grow into resentment

-        Depending on him (or on his employer), financially and otherwise

-        Difficulties in obtaining a work permit or pursuing a career of your own

-        Worry about our children’s wellbeing abroad


I’ve been there too

and know what you’re going through.

I also found a way to create a sense of home inside myself (which I like to call my “inner happy place”).

I’ve learned to leverage the gains, ease the losses and create a life on my terms despite changing postcodes. And most importantly, I found a deep sense of meaning and purpose: The kind of why that makes the how and where secondary.

And that’s exactly what I want to help you experience as well.


About my Clients

My clients are in their majority expat or diplomatic partners and women who moved abroad for love. Some of them are changing postcodes every few years, while others moved to a different country long term.

The main pain points they typically encounter are:

-        Loneliness and isolation

-        Lacking a sense of meaning and purpose

-        Relationship problems

-        Suffering from Boreout (or related symptoms) – a condition of chronic underwhelm that affects their self-esteem, mental wellbeing and energy levels.

-        Experiencing ‘Expat Fatigue’ – feeling unmotivated, exhausted from the lifestyle they’re leading, hopeless and wondering whether it’s time to throw in the towel.


How I Can Help

My signature Coaching Program is aimed at women who are looking to design a purpose-driven, joyful life on their terms abroad.

I’ve developed a unique method that will help you to

o   Find your “inner happy place” (a feeling of being at home, rooted, safe and guided from within)

o   Clear out limiting believes, subconscious blocks and patterns of self-sabotage

o   Design your life’s big vision, with help of my 5-step process

o   Develop your unique roadmap to a life in tune with your big vision

o   Take inspired action to which I’ll hold you accountable, in order to reach and embody your goals


Book your complimentary consultation

At www.camillaquintana.com/call

This is a great way to get to know each other and discuss, how I can live an international life full of meaning, purpose and joy!
